
Greetings all, I have been out for a while due to school kicking off for me. I shall attempt to post and new chapter for my novel soon.


Greetings all, I know what you all are thinking, a strange account texting ImaroStories but now thanks to my original means of posting stories finally saying no more and won't let me post on my old account nor access the means to fix the issue as my memory on my old device for wattpad is saying it is full when it isn't I had to create a new account which is the one you are seeing this message appear on. From what I can understand, until I can fix my old device's memory or get a new one, this will be my new account where you will be seeing more novels of my work appear for now on. So, if you wish to see my stuff still, just look for this account under my old one's followers via, this one that you are seeing this message appear on the conversations as we speak.