
My Hulk/Bruce Banner obsession came back with a vengeance for no apparent reason, but I'm not too upset. Maybe I can't really bring it up in conversation, but at least I actually have something to look forward to when I get home (reading another issue or watching video summaries).


My Hulk/Bruce Banner obsession came back with a vengeance for no apparent reason, but I'm not too upset. Maybe I can't really bring it up in conversation, but at least I actually have something to look forward to when I get home (reading another issue or watching video summaries).


Only asking because my interest is highest right now after binge-watching it yesterday but...
          Is anyone (maybe like up to 5 people) willing to collab to write a Season 2 (or more) for The Imperfects? I hate how it was left off on such a big cliff-hanger.


oh wow this was all the way back in April??? Geez I thought it was back in June at most. Glad I'm (mostly) over it now.


Honestly still amazed that you guys are reading that book like... it's not even good lmfaoo. There's so many plot holes. I WROTE THOSE CHAPTERS DURING MY LUNCH PERIODS. It's such mediocre work but yall are eating it up. Wish I was making money from it


I'm far more proud of my Bruce Banner/Hulk one shots than Mind Games. This is so sad


Ugh I've been in a slump for a while now. I used to be so eager to write but I'm just losing interest in everything. Nothing is grabbing my attention anymore, feels worth time, stimulates me, or anything. I used to love writing so much but idk what happened... :(


gonna see a therapist soon hopefully tho