
Hey there
          Thanks for the follow :) 
          Please check out my book Badass Blake if you've got a minute :)


@TheSunSaidSo No problem, and I'll check it out
            By the way I love your art


I have an obsessed friend too!! Her profile name is niallsmiles101.She says Niall is off limits....but I still look at him anyway! I freaking love o2l!! Mostly Ricky because he is really funny and sweet!! OMG DON'T GET ME STARTED ON SAM AND HIS CUTE RED CHUBBY CHEEKS!!


Sorry I didn't type back! I went on youtube,and watched o2l videos.I really like  'you and I' or 'story of my life'.Nowdays I think Louis is ugly,and Niall is the cute one.Have you noticed that in the music video of 'one thing' they all  look really hot?


@alexiaaberskye haha ....its okay and yeah niall is hot (hes my favourite but one of my friends is an extreme directioner and is really possessive of all of im scared when this topic arrives) and btw I love o2l I love conner^U^