
It’s nice to reminisce looking back at this account… Apologies for not keeping promises, but I always had a bad habit of doing that. I’m still alive and writing, even if it’s not really fanfic anymore. I wanted to say that at least 


It’s nice to see you around even if you’re not posting on here anymore! Good luck on your writing, even if it’s not fanfics!


@ImberLapis It's awesome to have you back! We'd still support you if you upload original works!


@ImberLapis welcome back! Totally fine that you're not writing fanfics anymore, and hope you enjoyed your break :)


It’s nice to reminisce looking back at this account… Apologies for not keeping promises, but I always had a bad habit of doing that. I’m still alive and writing, even if it’s not really fanfic anymore. I wanted to say that at least 


It’s nice to see you around even if you’re not posting on here anymore! Good luck on your writing, even if it’s not fanfics!


@ImberLapis It's awesome to have you back! We'd still support you if you upload original works!


@ImberLapis welcome back! Totally fine that you're not writing fanfics anymore, and hope you enjoyed your break :)


hi! did you remove book 2 of heart of steel just bcs i couldn’t find it - it’s okay if you have tho i was just wondering!


i’m the exact same dw!! that’s why there’s nothing on my profile anymore 


            Yes, I unfortunately did. I realized a while ago that I was never going to finish it, and I hate leaving unfinished stories on my profile when possible ><


ImberLapis my friend. It has been a while, I hope you are doing well, and have you finished the rest of your workshop projects yet?


I haven’t, I’ve honestly been at an impasse with my graphics workshop at this point, and my inactivity is enough to show where that conclusion is… I’m sorry for being silent for so long, I was hoping I could find a solution and continued interest but I don’t think that’ll be possible 


Welp, time to update my bio here to say I’m 24 instead of 23! I can’t believe I’m 24 now, it doesn’t feel real honestly :’D


@ImberLapis happy birthday, my reply was late but better late than never.




Hey guys
          So for the past few months, it’s been obvious that my updates in Celeste are all but nonexistent. Besides me just slowly losing interest in graphic-making, I’ve been grappling with the dilemma of AI art. I look up artwork to use, and it’s almost nothing but AI art or art that I can’t figure out whether it’s AI or not. I’m staunchly against using AI art, and I frankly don’t have the patience to ethically source artwork to use in my graphics nowadays unless they’re direct faceclaims of always existing characters. I know fanart can be AI generated too, but at least it’s more likely to be actually drawn vs generated. My free time these days is so limited, and I’d rather put it into fanfics, drawing, and working on an actual novel I’ve been working on developing for a little while now.
          I’m going to try to finish making the graphics for this current batch so I don’t let everyone who’s waiting down, and afterward, I’m considering closing Celeste and finally ending my graphic workshops in general. I want the workshop to close with a bang though, so I think I’m gonna do a special project for my last set of graphics in the workshop, though I’ll think through it more as it comes closer to the time.


@ImberLapis I'm definitely in thr same boat as you. I've lost interest in my shop perhaps due to stuff happening in my life right now. I do agree with you that AI art is such a turn off for me. I hate that that's what comes up whenever I search stuff up on pinterest 


@ImberLapis  it's okay,i can totally understand you. Me too had this problem a while ago and decided to close my Graphic shop,so i can totally understand what you are saying. Still i wanted to thank you,because of you i started to do graphics and you inspired me so much,so i hope you still will do your best as a Writer❤️


@ImberLapis Your graphics workshop is amazing though man.


Uh… So as for why I’m not doing graphics still, one word:
          I’m actually attempting it again this year after not being able to do it since 2019 with a goal of 1.3k words minimum per day, and I’m actually doing well. As of today, I’m nearly 5k words ahead of the 50k word goal as long as I keep up with my minimum, and I intend on doing this for my own sake.
          I’ve truly been struggling with the loss of my loved one, and having a goal I can truly see come to fruition in my daily activities has definitely been helping me. I hope you all will continue having patience with me, and I will get to those requests when I have time again. They’re just not a priority compared to NaNoWriMo ><


@ImberLapis That's perfectly fine!
            I have a mutual on Tumblr who's partaking in that as well so I perfectly understand it
            Sorry for your loss tho, I get it well since my 16yr old cat died last month (practically grew up with that cat)
            Be sure to take breaks tho! Don't wanna over work 


Hello, everyone 
          Although I just finished filling my next batch for Celeste, I won’t be able to complete any requests for at least a week. I just had a very close death in the family, so I’ll be attending the funeral this week along with seeing many out-of-state family members. On top of that, I’m going to a long-awaited convention Friday through Sunday, so my week this week is completely swamped. But thank you everyone who requested for filling up my shop so quickly!


@ImberLapis Take all the time you need don’t worry!! I hope you enjoy that convention and that your family member rests in leace 


@ImberLapis I wish you and your family the best. Take care


@ImberLapis We understand, we hope your family member rests in peace.


Tomorrow… I’ll finally post a new batch for Celeste
          Life has just gotten so much busier, especially since a big convention I’ve been planning to attend for a full year now is coming up early next month. Preparations have been going on for ages, but finally I have my cosplays together! I’ll be going as Kaeya from Genshin (ofc) and Rika from Pokémon S/V! I even bought a Paldean Wooper plush to use as a prop >:3


Two things
          One: 900 followers? How?? I’m hardly around here anymore so the fact people are still following me is just amazing ^^ thank you all, and maybe I’ll do something special if I ever hit 1k. We’ll have to see!
          Two: Heart of Steel reached 60k reads. My god, that story is just awful compared to what I put out these days, but it still holds so much nostalgia for me and I know it does for a lot of you readers too. Thank you for letting it get that far, it’s definitely my landmark title here!
          That’s all I have to say, but I hope you all have a great day ^^


@ImberLapis congratulationsss :)) u deserve it 


@ImberLapis congrats, you’ve earned them.