Pride month is over unfortunately, but luckily there are 7 deadly sins so this month is officially both disability pride month and gay wrath month.
( If you know where this is from you are my new favorite human)
Thanks for following me. I‘ll try to do my announcements in English, and not in German, so that you can understand it and I’ll try to upload something in English.
Just a reminder, if you're being toed up with rope, don't struggle too much as you can rub your skin raw and start bleeding. This is only for consensual times, disregard if you don't consent ad struggle like hell.
I keep seeing things talking about their partner talking to someone who used to like them and I can't relate because my partner will just make some display to show that I'm their's.
Quick! Hot potato!
Pass this to 5 other accounts before it's too late!
((Pass backs allowed! Chain originally started by @S0fia203678 ))
You know what's kinda funny? A little bit after I came out as Nonbinary, I wore something feminine and immediately was asked" if you're Nonbinary, then why are you wearing feminine clothing? " and that messed me up a lot
@Imgay3426 if it helps, I've known I'm nb for awhile and all I wear is super fem clothes bc they're what I like wearing, clothing doesn't change anything and nb ppl don't need to be androgynous