
• b a c k   f o r   a   s e c o n d  t i m e ?  •
          	I know I keep leaving and coming back, sorry about that. But my motivation just comes and goes, and lately I’ve wanted to start writing on my own again. I’ll work on Batter here and there because it brings me happiness, but I’ll mostly just.. um.. work on poems and stuff. And these poems won’t be normal and short. They’ll be long, and deep, and sad, and ring my emotions loud and pure. I had another foot surgery, yesterday, actually. I’m refusing any and all pain medication in the hopes I can have the privilege of saying I overcame it myself. It hurts.. a lot. It throws and swells and burns. They didn’t just cut open my foot this time, they also cut my calf in two places to make my tendons longer. So.. eugh. You can imagine how I’m feeling with a bandage halfway up to my knee and a big clonky boot on. Anyways, thanks to anyone who actually reads my stories! I came online and reading the few comments I got really made my day. Thank you. Thank you so much.
          	• B e t t e r   d a y s   a r e   c o m i n g •


• b a c k   f o r   a   s e c o n d  t i m e ?  •
          I know I keep leaving and coming back, sorry about that. But my motivation just comes and goes, and lately I’ve wanted to start writing on my own again. I’ll work on Batter here and there because it brings me happiness, but I’ll mostly just.. um.. work on poems and stuff. And these poems won’t be normal and short. They’ll be long, and deep, and sad, and ring my emotions loud and pure. I had another foot surgery, yesterday, actually. I’m refusing any and all pain medication in the hopes I can have the privilege of saying I overcame it myself. It hurts.. a lot. It throws and swells and burns. They didn’t just cut open my foot this time, they also cut my calf in two places to make my tendons longer. So.. eugh. You can imagine how I’m feeling with a bandage halfway up to my knee and a big clonky boot on. Anyways, thanks to anyone who actually reads my stories! I came online and reading the few comments I got really made my day. Thank you. Thank you so much.
          • B e t t e r   d a y s   a r e   c o m i n g •


•b a c k   a g a i n,  h e l l o  f r i e n d s.•
          Well, I don’t know what to say other than this has been a really long hiatus and I am not good at updating my stories. However, it seems my account has gained a small amount of popularity since I last checked it, which makes me happy. I’ve decided to take up writing again because it helps calm me down, and.. today has not been a good day for me. At all. I got outed by my mom and she hasn’t told anyone yet but uh,, she’s really homophobic, so you can imagine how that went. Nonetheless, I’m here and I’m queer and ready to grant you all more stories.  thanks for the support even if you guys probably don’t know much about me.
          • s e e  y o u  s o o n,  h e r e  c o m e s  t h e  m o o n.•


• H  e  l  l  o   m  y   d   e  a  r  s~•
          aa I haven't posted in a while but I drew some art for the doggo fanfiction of Haughman AND I'm about 600 words into a new chapter of Mr Batter soo 
          have fun with that uh I'll be here until Monday I hope 
          they moved my surgery to 3 weeks from now (it'll be on a Wednesday sometime in November) because I sprained my ankle and they need to make sure it heals properly 
          I love you guys and for whatever reason knowing  that this account will be left if something happens to me gives me hope,,
          Sorry I'm kinda dawdling now anyway I love love love you all
          Sincerely, Corner
          • S  o  o  t  h  e    a  n  d     S  e  t  t  l  e•


• I m   g o n n a   b e   b e t t e r•
          Hey y'all I've finished the rest of the Batter fanfiction so if your feeling downer than me on a Tuesday afternoon go check that out. Love you all and thanks for caring about my disgusting tastes
          • b y e •


•l o o k   at    m e   l o o k   a t   m e   i    e x i s t•
          I'm taking requests for chibi!sans or bittybone!sans or papyrus fanfictions. Nothing too.. "heated" though, I'm not ready for that kind of writing. No hate toward those who write stories like that normally, I'm just not good at it and not that interested in being the cultivator of it right now. Feel free to DM me if you need to vent. I'll listen and try to help
          • s e e   y o u   a r o u n d,   l o v e s•