
i made a carrd guys! i hope ya'll like it!


omfg i haven't been on wattpad regularly in a a few months so i apologize for getting back to you at the literal end of the year. at this point, carrd has become a pretty popular usage for social media and personal info organization so i would look up a video on youtube and and see. if you need any specific tips i can always help but i just clicked on random things and explored the different options for variability.


i made a carrd guys! i hope ya'll like it!


omfg i haven't been on wattpad regularly in a a few months so i apologize for getting back to you at the literal end of the year. at this point, carrd has become a pretty popular usage for social media and personal info organization so i would look up a video on youtube and and see. if you need any specific tips i can always help but i just clicked on random things and explored the different options for variability.


Diese Nachricht könnte beleidigend sein
(1/2) I wanted to take this opportunity to address what happened today at the Capitol Building. It was fucking disgusting and truly embarrassing (The international community is watching us and the response was not respectable...Trump has ruined us and our stance as part of the group of nations in the world paving the way politically, socially, culturally, & economically....that shit ain't happening as a result of the past 4 years) If you couldn't tell from my bio, I don't support Donald Trump..nor do I support what happened. It was a disgrace upon democracy itself and exemplified the amount of power that white supremacists in the USA have. Personally, I should have addressed this earlier, but I wanted to calm down as I was livid and new information/ updates were coming in through many news outlets at the time. One (to my knowledge) unidentified woman was shot and later died.


@Imjustbored4508 if that were us holding blm flags and pride flags, we wouldnt have made it close.


this message may be offensive
(2/2) I saw pictures, tweets, and videos of..
            - a lone black police officer being chased through the halls of the building
            - white supremacists and people holding trump flags pushing police officers and other people such as reporters
            - a few people with trump and confederate flags beating camera equipment used by reporters 
            - a man happily taking a podium from the building (probably federal property)
            - another man sitting in the speaker's seat
            - there were terrorists climbing on the walls of the building itself
            - a man sitting in Nancy Pelosi's chair and taking mail and other items from her desk
            - D.T.'s response to the disaster was saying "We love you. You're very special." to the terrorists. Trump only had a "muted response" (The Washington Post) to the breach of the Capitol Building. 
            - a door, possibly multiple doors and items, etc were vandalized by trump supporters who breached the building 
            - not only was his "response" horrible, but he INCITED this when he tweeted "See you in Washington, DC, on January 6th. Don’t miss it. Information to follow!" on Dec 27, 2020
            @igorbobic this is the twitter handle of Igor Bobic- one of the reporters who were in the building at the time of the attack. After keeping up with his tweets throughout this mess and direct attack upon our democracy, I saw troubling and horrifying footage of terrorists running and pushing their way through the mob. I was talking with my mom and we agreed on one scary fact- if that mob...those terrorists...were black...there would have been a massacre


Hellooo, I wanted to ask you if you want to check out my story about Oliver Wood... I think that you'll like it :) Alsoοο, you would help me a lot if you voted. If you simply don't want to or don't have time to read, no worries, have a good day❣️✨


Your pfp *fonds* 


Yes omg the twins have my heart 


@DOLCEAMBROSIA HAHAHAH fr except gred and forge cuz they are a dynamic, legendary duo


Fonds is like *heart eyes emoji* , I mean , how do I explain it lol - it means to be fond of someone ig lol