
Whoa!! First chapter publ- passes out.


So, my time to revive has come.
          Hello to everyone who follows this account! My name is Ember, someone who writes just to have fun. Today, I come to announce my very first full book: "Onshore breeze", a firewind tale that will be officially published this Saturday.
          I started to write this book one year ago, but as you may know, a writer's personal life can get things a bit rougher. Even so, I am proud to say that all my effort finally came to place.
          I thank all of you for your support! I hope you enjoy your stay in this fantasy world :)


@ Imjusthavingfun54  ata it was this WOOOO!!! HORRAY!!! CONFETTI CONFETTI!! CONGRATULATIONS :33


Food because I was gone for too long...
          "— If I may? — Wind tilted his head slightly to the side to notice Fire's reaction, who simply gave a small nod as an answer.
          With this, the archer's fingertips started to slowly reach for Fire's black skin. The touch was careful in order to not hurt him, yet still enough for Spirit to feel somewhat cold due to the other's natural temperature. He arched, filling up his lungs with air as a sudden reaction to the contact. His posture tensed in the slightest, but he continued still.
          --- (Things that won't be spoken yet!!!)
          Fire began to relax, letting Wind carefully trace his thumb against the line of his spine, spreading the maden product. Every time he moved to a slightly different place, he would stop and wait until Spirit nodded, signing he could proceed. Each motion was made in silence besides occasional groans, followed by an immediate stop of the archer."
          "And then, Fire allowed himself to let his eyes wander down to the other's lips, having the opportunity to notice their centered light tone of pink, grading softly darker. A small and genuine smile, stealing from him the memory of how to even do once instinctive actions."


@ Imjusthavingfun54  diedie asaaauayggv*eats this and leaves*


            AYO??? NEW CONTENT????? I wake from my long slumber just for this


It's two am and I am absolutely out of my mind from studying philosophy like uh huh yeah I am but I am not so when am is then who what then HUH?????? Hello, I am alive!! :DD School sucks and I had to make a big pause. If everything goes right, I will write when my craved break arrives. 
          Tell my friends that I love them... stay strong, soldiers!!


Hey bro are you alive </3


@ Imjusthavingfun54  É, mas se quiser falar mais vai no meu pv que n vai ter susto se alguém aparecer </3 (emoji chorando


@LemonM0usse tem que manter sempre a postura de tiro porrada e bomba po


Falaria mais mas se alguém que lê meus livros decodificasse meu português toda minha vigarice iria água abaixo </3