
@kikibel cool! i've been using it on my brothers.ill be like sup batches! and theyre like wtf? ohh brothers what can u do with 'em...


@IamFredWeasleysluver awww :( im sooo sorry bout dat! :( :( He is a bastardo! he dont deserve a batch as awesome as u and u know it! there are plenty of guys in da world and he isnt da ONE. and idk why he had 2 do dat cuz u r awesome and dont let anyone tell u u aint! k? u are IamFredWeasleysLuver! and an awesome ging! and soccer playa (even do i havent even seen ya in my life but i bet u rock)! anyway u are sooooooo cool so dont let some assholey b-III-tch call u ANY kind of rude name or ill have 2 go up 2 where ever u live and jack slap him upside da head & throw my evil cat at his face. k bud? luvv ya!(in a non gay way) cuz yo my twinny! :) feel betta batch!


@IamFredWeasleysluver O my gosh. Now I get why exactly my little rant/poem/paragraph thingy on my message board meant so much... 
          Well remember- EVERYBODY SUCKS. He's just a junktard and that cheerleader is probably a batch. So u just gotta tie ur shoes, pull ur socks up (<< do people say that? ..Watevs:P) and say O mothershuckin well. 


when life gives u lemons take them & squeeze them into ur bastard ex bf's eyes >:(
          I reely thot i was done w/ all the heartbreak when we started dating. i thot we were gonna be 2gether 4ver..that was only in 8th grade for christs sake!im an idiot.why did Eve have to eat that damn apple and make this world so screwed up? love sucks. after months of going out,i guess i was boring him cuz guess wut i caught him doing? u guessed it sucking faces w/ the slutty cheer captain behind the big rock where he and i had OUR 1st kiss! urgh that bastard! i guess cheer captain beats captain of the girls soccer team :( then after many tears,profanities,&maybe a black eye given 2 a certain cheerleader, he texts me after his hockey practice & said "he was stupid and wanted me back." I replied with "u can shove ur hockey stick up his ass" & he replied by calling me a great is life? (note sarcasm)