Hey everyone. If you read my story 'Percy Jackson- - Mouldyshort's Grandson' then you'll know that I haven't updated in ages. My holidays are almost here, so I should be able to update sometime in the next few weeks, but I'm not going to make you any promises, when we all know that I'm not the most reliable when it comes to those things. :) So yeah, just letting you all know that I haven't forgotten about this story (ok, so maybe I did at one point. ssshhhh...) and I am working on these next two chapters. It is taking a while to write them, but that's because I feel like it would be a bit rude to you to make you wait this long, and not even give you a good chapter when I did update. So, I'm trying to make all of the chapters i write good quality, so yeah, that's why I take forever. Sorry about that, but I just thought I'd let you all know. Thanks :)