
this message may be offensive
I'm not here for your angry rants BITCH. I'll make fun of people. I as a gay man will talk about how weird it is for girls to obsess over gay porn BITCH. cause I fucking can. You can cry. I'm here to read porn and idgaf


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Ok, it's one thing to do it the the comments but to go on my board and do it. Wow. I do not obsess over gay porn. I read a Smut fan fiction on a anime ship between two guys. I read mxm I read fxf and I read mxf. Not that it's any of your fucking business. And k never once cried, sorry to disappoint. I got pissed over a guy who knows nothing about me, making assumptions about me and my life and criticizing me over those assumptions. Yeah you can do what you want. But if you drag me and shit you know nothing about into it then yeah I'm going to get pressed. And being gay doesn't give you a pass for anything you say so just fuck off and leave me alone.


A fellow fairy tail fan 


Well I watch it on mangago .me 


@Blackgirlsrules yes I do although I'm admittedly a bit behind in it


@Blackgirlsrules I'm fine thanks for asking btw do you read the 100 year quest manga of ft