"The coastal winds brush against my face as we leave the pen, the boat rocking slightly as we navigate through the port at Kiel. As I look out across the blue calm ocean i feel a tap on my shoulder, it was my navigator Otto von Klaus, he is the oldest on board, no one knows exactly how old he is, he declines to say, but we all know he was in the first Weltkrieg. We could tell by the way he knew the seas, why he probably knew them better than he knew himself," I thought to myself. "Well" I ask him, adding a hint of confidence in my voice." "Sir, he replies with respect, we are out of port, and free to roam the oceans." I turn away from the beautiful seas, and gaze upon the crew that are with me on the tower, there is Otto of course, looking old, and tired, but ready for any challenge that may come his way. There was also my gunner for the cannon on the deck, Paul, he is the youngest and the hypothetical punching bag for the crew, they are always picking on him, and Walter, the gunner for the machine guns used to pick off any aircraft that deems us its prey, he tends to keep to himself but we can tell that he is not used to the Kriegsmarine, or any military branch for that matter, but he seems to be getting the hang of it. There was also one at the far end of the tower, the chef of all people, Peter. Peter is always where he doesn't belong," I thought in a annoyed tone. "but it was always hard to punish him, he was a nazi, and a very loyal one at that, always eager to turn someone in for any type of propaganda against the reich, no matter if it was merely a joke, or a small word in the middle of a sentence." I push those thoughts aside as i say. "Well then, full speed ahead, Otto, lets make it to England before dusk, oh, and of course... Happy Hunting my dear comrades.
-Immortalore ;)