
So I don't know why, but my new poem isn't showing that it has any reads on it. Which is odd. If it is true, then that means that poetry is even more undervalued on this site/app than it already was. If it isn't, then there may be some sort of bug. I'm not sure. Probably the first one. 


So I don't know why, but my new poem isn't showing that it has any reads on it. Which is odd. If it is true, then that means that poetry is even more undervalued on this site/app than it already was. If it isn't, then there may be some sort of bug. I'm not sure. Probably the first one. 


Well, good news and bad news. I've found some music that helps me get my creativity unblocked. An artist by the name of Silencyde. Definitely check him out. You can find him on Facebook and almost any of his songs on YouTube. Anyways, good news over. Bad news is that I just lost half of what I wrote. I dropped my phone and it rebooted. For whatever reason. And when it came back on, the file was blank. Thankfully, a bit more of good news, I had sent the first half of what I wrote to my friend. Meaning I didn't lose EVERYTHING. Just the better half, in my opinion. That's okay though. I'm going to do what I do best and that is spit in Fate's face and make it better next time. Anyways, new content should be out relatively soon. I can't wait to feel the love. Anyways, thanks for sticking with me this long and I'll see you soon.


The books I recently unpublished are getting a revamp and then will be republished when they are done. These books are Nacht Krieger and Beyblade: Divine Power. A few other old books will be coming back as well; including We Don't Belong, among others. So as you can tell, I have many projects I'll be releasing.
          Now I have to address something else. I will publish when I think the content is good enough. I'm not publishing for the sake of it anymore. I'm focusing on quality over quantity from now on.


Hey, guys. I'll be publishing new chapters for Nacht Krieger every day Monday-Friday every week. The weekly Dead Alive/We Don't Belong chapters should continue as well, but I may have to reschedule them, so there may or may not be a chapter published this Saturday. I love you guys. Stay happy, not crappy. Life's a bitch, don't quit. Jk, I'm not Johnnie Guilbert. Seriously, though. I love you guys, I  love making books for you, and I love knowing that I'm doing something good for the world. Even if it's only entertaining people, because one smile can lead to a hundred. 


As I'm sure you have noticed, I've been publishing chapters weekly for the past two weeks. I'm going to publish a chapter of We Don't Belong today at 5:00pm. I might publish another Dead Alive chapter next Saturday, but it might be another We Don't Belong chapter. Those are my two weekly books. I'm also working on a series in which I'll publish one book per year, just like a professional author. I hope you enjoy the longer chapters that I've been publishing. Writing these books for you guys is a lot of fun most of the time and I'm always trying to make better quality content. I love you all and I hope you enjoy my books.


I'm working on a very cool book right now. I hope everyone likes it once it finally comes out. It's going to be a series of books with a lot of very long chapters, so it's going to take me a long, long time to complete the first book. I have to research the topic a good bit to know what I'm talking about before I even start writing, so like I said it's going to take a very long time to do. It shouldn't interfere with my Dead Alive book, but I don't know for sure one way or the other. That's all for now.


Since my Beyblade book and my We Don't Belong book are doing good, I'll continue them, but books like Zambie Apocalypse that aren't doing so well I won't. Power Rangers, I just published the prologue and I'm having a blast writing chapter one so it's definitely going to continue for a while. There are a few other new books coming out, so keep an eye out for that.