
Millese yawns as she emerged from the shadows of a tree. Leaning casually by the trunk and sitting on the branch, she took out her silver- marked rod and played with it while looking over at the territory. She needs some getting used to here and hearing that there was an acceptance of an ample amount of members, she began to be curious of what the place holds in store. But for now, she would rest by the branch, thinking that her presence was invisible to anyone present, as always.


Skylar stood on the edge of the clearing silently, his face cast in the darkest shadow of a large birch tree. Breathing softly he stepped into the sunlight of the afternoon sky, making his way into the very center of the area. Wearing a hoodie, jeans and no shoes he made no sound as he proceeded.


Millese, now dressed in black, appeared from the shadows after noticing the two disappear. She was slowly trying to get used to the place but never really engaged in a conversation with the members for the thoughts of getting close seemed preposterous in her case. Even when she was in Falling Stars Clan, she was never one to interact. She hummed as she sat on the tree branch, playing with the silver rod in her possession.


            "And I you." She nodded respectfully. And she genuinely did, though she did vaguely wonder how many other assassins she might !ave to work with.


            "So far, yes. I am also training in other arts as well, but Illusion will always be what I'm best at." She absentmindedly turned the bracelet on her wrist, though it sat snugly.


            "Probably, yes. The art of illusion is not usually as useful in a warrior or a healer as in an assassin." She shrugged, putting her hands in her pockets.


Sitting casually on one of the branches of the surrounding trees, a female clothed in normal human clothing was wearily watching the fight taking place. She already knew two others were present and though none of them noticed her or rather didn't bother her, she assumed they were members. While she was used to being in the sidelines and practically invisible, without knowing the reason why, she continued to watch in silence. Having to travel from a far place and enter the territory, she can't help but yawn from her weariness.


@Vivitol_ Then I guess you win. I rushed in and fell into a trap I can't get out of. I wish I could have made it more exciting for you.


@Vivitol_ (Is it like a poison gas? Y.Y)


@SleepingSkye (Sorry I'm kinda distracted)
            [2] Storm Cloak: Skylar's speed increases and the manifestation now offers minimal protection.


@Vivitol_  Skylar took the two spinning wheels of shadow into account along with the fact that the male didn't seem to mind his approach. He didn't know whether to take this as over confidence or if he wanted him close. The energy in his hand that collected up to that point diffused up his arm and throughout his body, increasing his speed and agility. [1] 
          At this point he was only about 10 feet from his target and closing in fast. In seconds he'd be on him or the other way around.
          [1] Storm cloak: Usage of energy concentration. Increases speed and agility.


@Vivitol_ As soon as his opponent looked his way Skylar began spinning a plan into action in his mind and his senses were on high alert. His sensitive ears picked up the tapping. He didn't know what it was but he wasn't going to allow it to go on. 
          He balled his right hand into a fist, collecting the air around him into his hand. At the same time he began sprinting towards his opponent.