
Ermergerd. My wifi just died. And I have no data left... ERMERGERD!!!!


Hi there Immortal_Rainbow!
          Thank you so much for the vote! It means a ton to me, knowing that my work has been read by awesome readers like you! Again, thank you very much, for your vote will encourage me to continue to upload chapters for Our Stellar Connection!


@UnderLeaves There's no need to thank me! I love the story and already binge read through the whole story Keep up the amazing work!


Thank you for the votes! ❤️ I hope you like the rest of Darkened Wings along with my other stories! :) 


@Immortal_Rainbow Aw thank you! Glad to hear you're enjoying it! :) Hopefully my other stories interest you too haha.


@Aramyst87 It has been so good! I was just getting ready to read some more!


The goldfish would be the best hitman. Think about it. They're stealthy (constantly getting flushed and going through all different pipes), They can be hidden in plain site (common pet that doesn't last long; most likely always watching), Great actors (once they get the job done, they can just act dead and BAM easy get away; also they can easily act clueless but are actually observing everything).