
Hello, dear readers! I'm currently working on a new project called "The Forgotten Empress". I also decided that I would probably release the chapters as soon as I wrote them. So what’s the point of writing the entire project in advance, which will take half a year, and then also waiting for one chapter a week? And releasing all the chapters at once is also not an option, so I will do as I always did. Thank you for your attention!


Hello, dear readers! I'm currently working on a new project called "The Forgotten Empress". I also decided that I would probably release the chapters as soon as I wrote them. So what’s the point of writing the entire project in advance, which will take half a year, and then also waiting for one chapter a week? And releasing all the chapters at once is also not an option, so I will do as I always did. Thank you for your attention!


Dear readers, I have bad news... Lately I have been experiencing burnout... I haven’t lost interest in Anna and Nosaka, but for some reason I don’t have the strength or desire to write further... I know that in such cases  I need to take a break, but I’m afraid that if I take a vacation, I’ll never return to projects again...( Perhaps the reason is motivation. After all, when you wrote “I’m looking forward to the continuation”, it made me happy and motivated. I understand that  Many people have problems and things to do in real life, just like I have them, so I understand you perfectly. I will try to somehow return motivation, so don’t lose me :">


My dear readers. Soon I will go to work (but this is not certain, but I hope that they will still hire me). I know that new chapters take so long to come out, but now I will have even less time to write them. I won't be able to draw often either. Therefore, I ask you to be patient in advance for new chapters, stories and drawings. That's all, thank you all for your attention!


Dear readers, I remember that I said that I would post new projects when I finished them completely. But I decided to ask you. How will be better? When do I immediately post a chapter and write the next one, or should I post chapters at a specific time?


@ The_Extroverted_Fox  Good:">


@Imperial_Moon Just take your time and don't rush


Dear readers, I have come to please you with good news~ The “Child from the Future” project will be re-uploaded!  And it will be released when I completely finish the plot.  As I said earlier, from now on I will try to write projects to completion in advance, so that you don't have to wait long for the new chapter.  Although you will still have to wait until I finish the project :"> I also want to warn you that the plot will be changed. In the last project I made a complete mess, in this one I will try to prevent this from happening. That's all, thank you very much  for your attention! ^^


My dear readers. Sorry that there have been no updates for so long, but I hasten to please you with the fact that chapter 8, “A Secret for Two,” will be released soon. I'm really sorry that you have to wait so long for updates. The fact is that I have a lot of ideas and I want to implement them all, so in parallel I am working on other projects so that in the future you don’t have to wait so long for their continuation. I also draw, which also takes time. I recently worked on three collabs and now I have finished them, one collab is already ready, but the other two are not yet, because those people have not done their part yet. Regarding the bonus chapters "Nothing Will Be the Same..." I'm very sorry, but it looks like I won't be able to do what I promised. I'll temporarily put this project on hold and maybe in the future I'll be able to write these bonus chapters. That's all, thank you all very much for your attention!