I have to make an apology... I am very sorry for posting wubbox incest.Im no longer apart of the msm fandom.I didn't know they were cousins.I should've dug more research before making the plant X earth wubbox story. I thought robots can't be cousins. I promise in the future I will put more research into a story even if it is a joke story and I promise I won't post incest or any type of weird stuff (I mean like shipping weird ships like minor X adult and like incest). I will be more cautious in the future about if it's incest or like yk.I am not asking to be forgiven for my actions.I only pointed out my mistakes because someone told me the wubboxes are cousins.Thank for pointing it out that the wubboxes are cousins.I really never knew that the wubboxes were cousins.Im very very sorry.