
Do you really fear God?
          	Do you do things in secret what you would not do in public because the people would see you?
          	Do you forget that God sees all?
          	Strive to do right even without people around
          	If you truly believe strive to stay away from wrong even in private
          	Because in private even though the people may not see you, remember Allah sees you


The son of Adam sins, we're not perfect so don't despair of His mercy, but don't take advantage of it either


Do you really fear God?
          Do you do things in secret what you would not do in public because the people would see you?
          Do you forget that God sees all?
          Strive to do right even without people around
          If you truly believe strive to stay away from wrong even in private
          Because in private even though the people may not see you, remember Allah sees you


The son of Adam sins, we're not perfect so don't despair of His mercy, but don't take advantage of it either


The day of Ash-Shura is the day when God saved Musa and the children of Israel from pharoah. Muharram 9, a virtuous day to fast to have the previous year's minor sins forgiven. A day before or after is fasted in addition to this day, to distinguish this fast from the Jews, as they also fast on the day of Ash-Shura. May Allah accept the fasts of those who do so! 
          If there are any mistakes then I ask Allah for His forgiveness


To get certain pleasures in life, you gotta work for it, and along the way you have to turn down certain things.
          That healthy body?
          You have to sweat for it
          And turn down that craving you've had for  a few days
          That dream job?
          You have to work for it
          And turn down that late night of partying
          That car?
          You have to pay for it
          And turn down that new game you've been wanting for months
          To obtain the greater and longer term pleasure
          We have to sacrifice the short term and lesser pleasures
          That is the lifestyle of the Muslim
          We sacrifice certain short term pleasures (not all) this world has to offer for the greater long term pleasure Paradise has to offer


This world calls to us frequently
          The Muslims are restricted by the Quran and Sunnah. Slaves to God
          There are those who are restricted only by this world and its offerings. Slaves to their desires
          Paradise is surrounded by hardships and undesirable things
          If you want to enter it, you have to work for it
          Hellfire is surrounded by ease and desirable things
          So if you want to enter it
          By all means, do as you please
          God is going to test your faith, your sincerity, of course things aren't going to be easy 
          Quran (29:1-3)
          Those who are sincere will hang on to the handhold of Islam...  no matter what.
          You don't have anyone to prove yourself to but God. 
          Why are you Muslim? 


Ask yourself and be honest