
Okay in case you guys haven’t ever checked out her stuff my friend lemonadedispenserXXX writes some great fanfic about ateez.:) Just wanted to give her a shout out because her stuffs great!


@minijoong she’s such a hard worker and she writes so well!!!;) love her stuff


@InBrilliantViolet . she deserves more all the love...
          	  actually you both deserves all the love ❤️


I haven't been into ATEEZ for quite a long time now, but I still think of your stories from time to time. Honestly, the time I spent on this website reading your book and countless others was part of the most fond times I can recall. I really hope you are doing okay!! I would love to hear from you, any update, that says you are doing well.  Even if you have no plans to ever come back onto this account. 
          I don't know, sometimes I just wonder what happened for you to disappear so suddenly without coming back for 4 years. I have since moved on from wattpad but something keeps dragging me back here every few months just to check on the hope that maybe there would a message waiting here.
          It feels a little bit nostalgic to be honest !! When I first started reading King of Stars, I was a 15 year old in grade 10. As of right now I am 19 and in my second year of college. It's insane to think about, really. I used to be absolutely obsessed with your story, and I would constantly check my phone for updates!!
          I'm a little bit sad that I will never see the end of the second book. But, I hope someday you will be able to see this and know that I've been thinking of your writing for 4 years straight! 
          I hope you are well :)) Take care !!


Olá, gostaria de conhecer um novo livro? Então aí vai a minha história!!!!
           TÍTULO: Posso entrar?
           AUTOR (A): Seoreverie
           SINOPSE: O desejo feito por Park Su-mi no seu décimo oitavo aniversário se distanciou no instante que uma trágica morte fez ruir tudo o que a menina acreditava. Deixar a capital e esconder seu passado traumático numa nova cidade pareceu uma ideia tentadora, afinal, lá ela tentaria recomeçar. Mas para isso ela precisaria de um meio para se manter enquanto luta para afastar os fantasmas do luto.
          O pitoresco restaurante da família Lee busca por um novo trabalhador de meio período. Com sua habilidade e gentileza, não demora para que a dona do restaurante se interesse não só para contratar Su-mi, como também oferece para que a menina alugue o antigo quarto de sua filha mais velha. O que Su-mi não espera é ter que dividir o mesmo teto com Lee Ji-tae, o garoto mais popular do Colégio Taerang.
          "Posso entrar?" é um romance de 2021 escrito por Seoreverie que conta a história de Park Su-mi e Lee Ji-tae.

          Desculpa o incômodo, mas espero que goste da leitura ✨


          I am here because I want to spread more love about ur 'Star King' book. It's literally one of the best fanfiction I ever read and it's so entertaining. It never feels boring or anything and the reference are just on point. I'm almost at the end of part 1, I will happily go to part 2 right away.
          Keep up the good work, u are amazing ♡


'King of Stars' sorry lol