
I have a perfectly good explanation as to why I haven’t updated and I know it won’t change anything but I just want you guys to know I am still continuing my story, so Anyways i have a CNA class I’m taking and I get homework literally everyday! So I’m so sorry! I will definitely update soon, I’ve definitely been motivated by @astridsstar recent comment on my last chapter so thank you


@InNeedOfALife Your story is amazing and it is also funny.


@InNeedOfALife  like i siad i offer my friendship for a chapter


I have a perfectly good explanation as to why I haven’t updated and I know it won’t change anything but I just want you guys to know I am still continuing my story, so Anyways i have a CNA class I’m taking and I get homework literally everyday! So I’m so sorry! I will definitely update soon, I’ve definitely been motivated by @astridsstar recent comment on my last chapter so thank you


@InNeedOfALife Your story is amazing and it is also funny.


@InNeedOfALife  like i siad i offer my friendship for a chapter


Your book came up as a suggested book and it looks amazing but you haven't updated since November before I read and get hooked are you finishing it or did you stop writing it?


I'm definitely going to keep going I'm sorry for the long wait and I keep saying I'm going to update I just haven't had a lot of time and I dove into this book without a proper plot so I'm getting ideas on what all I should have in this book but I will try my best to update asap. Especially now that I know I have people looking forward to the next update :)


I was actually debating on whether I should take it down. I don't honk I will but if I do update it thinking in maybe 2 weeks this week will be full of exams sadly but I have written half of it already I'm so sorry for the extremely long wait