
Don't know if anyone really reads these but incase any of my readers wonder why I am slowly updating again the answer is that I'm very stressed in my life with things a 19yr old should not have to deal with. I've been a tornado of emotions lately and it's hard to sit down and write well when my heads somewhere else. But am currently working on one update hopefully that'll be out soon.


Don't know if anyone really reads these but incase any of my readers wonder why I am slowly updating again the answer is that I'm very stressed in my life with things a 19yr old should not have to deal with. I've been a tornado of emotions lately and it's hard to sit down and write well when my heads somewhere else. But am currently working on one update hopefully that'll be out soon.


A huge fan of yours. I love your story of A Thousands Years. I basically finished it with a couple of hours because I was so drawn into it. I'm just wondering when are you going to update it. I really want to know what happens. Again huge fan. Btw you're an amazing writer. 


@Alex_andra123 Of course, I just updated it about a month ago and am currently writing another chapter 


Are you going to continue A Thousands Years? 


Thank you so much, that means so much! I have yet to update it because I want to make sure it's going in the right direction and it's set up correctly. Currently it's at 2000 words I'm trying to move it to 4000+ before I release the next one along with another chapter ready so I don't leave you guys waiting constantly.


So angry at myself for not updating in so long like it's gotten to that point where I want to see what happens as much as my readers because honestly I don't know exactly where the story is going until I write it but I know it'll go somewhere that'll be a cool read but then I have days where it just feels forced or makes no sense uggh I really can't apologize enough for my terrible updating.