
It's been yeaaaarrrrsss since I updated and I just redownloaded the app to bring back some memories. Guys, your comments make me piss myself you guys are so funny and I appreciate all the love (and the hate bc remember I was a wee teenager when I wrote this). I love you guys so much and your comments made my day! Love you all 


@In_Harry_Land  It's okay. Love ya anyways. What you did write tho is amazing!


I know I haven't finished boxer styles 2 and I don't think I will finish it because I'm not sure what to do and I think a lot of things happened from then and now. I know you guys will support my decision because you guys are so awesome. Again, love you all!


It's crazy how many long ago I wrote my fanfics and how people are still reading them. Unbelievable I love you guys so much. You all are the best people out there supporting everyone and bringing positivity in the comment section. 


It's been yeaaaarrrrsss since I updated and I just redownloaded the app to bring back some memories. Guys, your comments make me piss myself you guys are so funny and I appreciate all the love (and the hate bc remember I was a wee teenager when I wrote this). I love you guys so much and your comments made my day! Love you all 


@In_Harry_Land  It's okay. Love ya anyways. What you did write tho is amazing!


I know I haven't finished boxer styles 2 and I don't think I will finish it because I'm not sure what to do and I think a lot of things happened from then and now. I know you guys will support my decision because you guys are so awesome. Again, love you all!


It's crazy how many long ago I wrote my fanfics and how people are still reading them. Unbelievable I love you guys so much. You all are the best people out there supporting everyone and bringing positivity in the comment section. 