Dear people of the world,
I hate people who FAKE DEPRESSION!! There is one person that i know that says that she has depression, But we all KNOW THAT SHE DOESN'T!!!!! She may say she has depression, and she ACTS it , but everyone will probably say that they agree. here's an example, when she gets upset over a knee scrape, she expects her friends to comfort her, AND we ran cross country together. she posted a message( while track was going on ) saying how tired and how she was hurting, but when I was in cross country i ran every race i could , went to every practice, and i didn't complain as much as her. i said that i was sore. but here's the math cross country is 3 months long, and 5 days a week, each practice is 2 hours long.2 x 5= 10, 10 hours a week for 3 months, 3 x 10 = 30. 30 HOURS FOR 3 MONTHS!!! I WAS FING SORE THE FIRST WEEK. EVERY ONE IS SORE THE FIRST WEEK!!!!!
Next attention whores we hate them. this same girl (in my opinion) is a severe attention whore. SHE HAS 229 FOLLOWERS! THIS ENRAGES ME, i could go on for ages. but she has many friends. good bye people
Sincerely, Inanna Walios