
hacked by @Stalkalicious


this message may be offensive
Dear People,
           pleasssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, please PLEASE, stop saying you want to die, or your going to kill your self, or that your depressed. you know who you are. YOUR NOT THE VICTIM. There are people who actually kill themselves, and cut them selves. I cut my self, im admitting that to people, just because you cant see it, doesn't mean its not there. so STOP Please! you hurt my feelings when you say 'YOUR depressed". i am ASKING NICELY, so please S T O P.


Dear people of the world,
          I hate people who FAKE DEPRESSION!! There is one person that i know that says that she has depression, But we all KNOW THAT SHE DOESN'T!!!!! She may say she has depression, and she ACTS it , but everyone will probably say that they agree. here's an example, when she gets upset over a knee scrape, she expects her friends to comfort her, AND we ran cross country together. she posted a message( while track was going on ) saying how tired and  how she was hurting, but when I was in cross country i ran  every race i could , went to every practice, and i didn't complain as much as her. i said that i was sore. but here's the math cross country is 3 months long, and 5 days a week, each practice is 2 hours long.2 x 5= 10, 10 hours a week for 3 months, 3 x 10 =  30. 30 HOURS FOR 3 MONTHS!!! I WAS FING SORE THE FIRST WEEK. EVERY ONE IS SORE THE FIRST WEEK!!!!!
          Next  attention whores we hate them. this same girl (in my opinion) is a severe attention whore. SHE HAS 229 FOLLOWERS! THIS ENRAGES ME, i could go on for ages. but she has many friends. good bye people
          Sincerely, Inanna Walios