my reality is pretty much gone by now. i do everything online. i can't go out and just be indulged in reality for multiple reasons. school helps abit, but i don't have friends with the same interests as me. plus they all have other friends that either don't like me or i don't know them. also i'm currently self isolated because someone in my class got covid. and my phone chager broke so all i have is my laptop which i only have google on. so basically i have no idea what reality is anymore, and it's causing me to have an identity crises every day. i want to make youtube videos (mostly reaction videos) but im only 15 so i live with my parents, i have no storage on my phone (nor will my phone let me upload anything to youtube) my laptop has the worst camera in the world, i have no idea how to edit videos, i have a terrible voice, i don't like talking to my phone (or to nothing) when people can hear any way, i can't do any thing i want to until i'm older, not living with my parents, and have money, and be able to drive, and covid needs to go away.