Just wanted to say, I love reading your books. They’re so fun to look back on and they bring much comfort to me. :))

@IncediblyCreative It's been ages since I've last used this account, too, so do not worry. You have no idea how much this means to me. You were literally my favorite tf2 fanfic author. I'm so glad you are continuing to write. You have so much creativity going for you and I can tell you are going to do great things with your skills. God bless you and have a great rest of your day! <3

@sqoodledoodle hello again ! time had swiftly passed and honestly, i had continuously picked up and given up on writing over and over again. i was logging back to an old account to find a specific book but i came across your old comments and id just like to tell you that you really used to make my days, and finding this message on my wall truly made me feel happy. thank you so much for commenting, reading and spreading love to my books at various low times. my writing has definitely improved and i may post again, but away from my old content as ive moved on from then. just letting you know that youve helped me write again and it warms my heart that my writing had comforted you like your comments did me <3