
Also heeyyy I’ve been here just editing the same chapter for all my works and just not publishing them...bored, will probably publish something else original soon :)


****also: this does not mean other generations haven’t made attempts to dismantle prejudices and so on, the system of the United States (political, law, etc.) has always been flawed. Just acknowledging that this generation has advantages in technology, social media, and so on! We don’t have to be on the frontlines to make moves! 


Hi everyone, Just checking in. Hope you are all well. In light of current events I just wanted to pop in. I am so glad to interact with all of you on a daily basis, and I am so glad you all enjoy my writing and I can’t wait to write more for you. That being said I just wanted to say that I am and will always be an ally, and I stand in solidarity with BLM. I hope you are doing well and maintaining a voice for those who can’t speak up. Black lives matter, always have and always will. I am so glad to be a part of a generation that is making moves toward justice and equal rights. Please look into signing petitions, donating, and whatever is in your power to do so. Have a great day/night.