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As an apology, I'm going to upload a couple of things, if y'all are interested.
The first is a short chapter of a novella I was starting to write a year ago. It's not Rise of the Gaurdians, unfortunately. But I hope you guys will like it anyway. It features two original characters: Ryah, who I've had for a long time and actually turned into a D&D character, and a young noblewoman who has no name yet. I just made her up on the fly for the story, lol.
The second also features Ryah as she appears in my D&D campaign, and a friend's D&D character, Maelynn, who isn't in the campaign yet (but we're hoping her current character, Maelynn's older sister, dies soon so she can be lmao).
These were both written while a lot of shit was going down that I was struggling to cope with, and while I was on a chemotherapy medication, so I was out of practice with my writing style from the Pitch/Reader fic, and my brain wasn't doing so hot, so please be kind.
Tl;dr: two chapters about a big sad butch lesbian uploading like, today