
 I'm honestly wondering how people build up the courage to say "Hey thank you for you following me and adding my book to your list" I'm not saying it's a bad thing it's just How???? And here I am sitting and wondering "Should I? No I shouldn't...but should I?" With my finger hovering above the send button


@shiiijiiie OH okay! Thank you so much 


@Indecisive_Freak when i used to write here under a different account, i did that at the beginning when i still took it seriously. that same automated message, thinking it'd make me look more professional, or establish a better image of the wall between author and reader. the memeification of my account took a few years, but it wasn't hard to transition into a face that was fitting of the internet lmao. i did take time to reply to comments i found hilarious. i was still dedicated to scrolling through my notifications to the very end. perhaps that was because i've always wanted nothing more than interactive readers, so i couldn't help but chat back. so i guess it depends on what feels best for you, or how you want to project yourself in the eyes of others. i came from sending those messages to individual people as though i was obligated, to customizing them with the power of my natural inclination to talk too much (lol like now?), to simply responding to those that caught my attention the way i would when i scroll through a site or sns. maybe it transitions as well, and although you're indecisive, if you want to have an established image for your account, then you can grasp around and feel for what is more natural to you. by all accounts, good luck ( * ॑˘ ॑*  ) ⁾⁾


 I'm honestly wondering how people build up the courage to say "Hey thank you for you following me and adding my book to your list" I'm not saying it's a bad thing it's just How???? And here I am sitting and wondering "Should I? No I shouldn't...but should I?" With my finger hovering above the send button


@shiiijiiie OH okay! Thank you so much 


@Indecisive_Freak when i used to write here under a different account, i did that at the beginning when i still took it seriously. that same automated message, thinking it'd make me look more professional, or establish a better image of the wall between author and reader. the memeification of my account took a few years, but it wasn't hard to transition into a face that was fitting of the internet lmao. i did take time to reply to comments i found hilarious. i was still dedicated to scrolling through my notifications to the very end. perhaps that was because i've always wanted nothing more than interactive readers, so i couldn't help but chat back. so i guess it depends on what feels best for you, or how you want to project yourself in the eyes of others. i came from sending those messages to individual people as though i was obligated, to customizing them with the power of my natural inclination to talk too much (lol like now?), to simply responding to those that caught my attention the way i would when i scroll through a site or sns. maybe it transitions as well, and although you're indecisive, if you want to have an established image for your account, then you can grasp around and feel for what is more natural to you. by all accounts, good luck ( * ॑˘ ॑*  ) ⁾⁾


Hey kid! 
          I just came to thank you for reading my book. I barely get reads and yet you decided to read my book. Idk how to thank you for this support. I genuinely am grateful for your lovely time. 
          Thank you kid. 


@Minficz your welcome I really like your book a lot! It's very interesting 



Here's some validation! You do matter and you're enough
          If anyone says or thinks otherwise they know deserve what you have to offer. 
          You're a hard working and amazing person, don't ever forget your worth
          It'll all be ok. I know this sounds pointless, I know that feeling well
          But many tell me that there are good things ahead, so I'll encourage myself and you to believe it as well
          There things to stay alive and look forward to. You could change something today whether it's someone, or maybe even the world
          Something big may not happen today but it could happen any moment or day
          And even then you change lives everyday by just being here and existing
          So please never give up.
          You deserve so much in life, you're worth so much in life
          You're one of the things that make the world good 
          So just remember all this when you're feeling down ok? 
          Me and many others care a lot about you


The book you just added has literally no chapters ‍♀️


Sorry sorry LMFAO It had chapters but I unplublished it 


The description looked interesting 