this message may be offensive
For some damn reason, I can't bring myself to delete this app off my phone bc I don't even use it. Yet year after year of inactivity, it's sucking up my storage. Ik no one's gonna see this and I'll probably delete this later, but damn, life changes drastically yet at the same time you never change. Ik that's a basic ass thing to say, but even tho my life situation has gotten better, my coping mentality is still the same and I can feel myself regressing. I spent nearly half of my childhood hating my life and crying myself to sleep. I regret that shit with a passion, but I feel myself falling back into old, unhealthy habits. My life is changing constantly. I'm seeing old friends grow up and choose their probably temporary paths and can't help but get jealous at that too. Anyway, idek why I'm ranting to a dead community on Wattpad at 3AM ET. It's comforting in a way tho, bc I'm a bitch for nostalgia. Hopefully no one sees this and thinks I'm psycho. Whatever idc. Ik I am ma'am and I'll figure it out eventually, I just need more time. Let's hope I have that time. Kk this is cringe. To everyone out there, I love y'all. And please PLEASE try to be kinder to yourself. You only get one chance. Goodnight