
@xCreativeGirlLx good nd you 


@Indented____ miley grab one door liking it before she sat on the floor wrapping it around her neck slapping her butt cheeks together 
          Castiela gasped saying '" this girl ain't normal she need Jesus and a doctor in her life " 
          "'Bish please , we tried but she can't be helped " metatrona said , bending down exposing long pubic hair that was pricking out of her shorts .
          " Jesus Christ , girl you need some shaving stick , looking like a goddamn gorilla " samuela groaned in disgust 
          " and why the hell is it longer than Miley's hair , she should probably buy it for weave " deanela laughed along with samuela 
          " I thought that was your , I mean with all those bald spots she could really need some hair " metatrona stood laughing with miley 
          " oh you wanna talk about mama " deanela walking around in. A circle samuela behind her 
          " your mama hair is so nappy she needs to drink tynehol to comb it " castiela appeared out of nowhere 
          " damzzzzz, burn " the crowd yelled cheering 
          " your mama wanted to abort you , but she couldn't cause she didn't have a punch card " metatrona laughed as the crowd cheered
          To be continued