Sad news Wattpad is getting rid of PMs which I think is really stupid. If this does happen I probably won’t be on here as much. I will most likely be doing roleplays on Discord if they rid of the PMs. My username on Discord is sadiehoosier. Also if you want to help stop Wattpad from getting rid of the PMs there is a link to a petition to help stop Wattpad. Please sign the petition so we can keep our PMs!
Sad news Wattpad is getting rid of PMs which I think is really stupid. If this does happen I probably won’t be on here as much. I will most likely be doing roleplays on Discord if they rid of the PMs. My username on Discord is sadiehoosier. Also if you want to help stop Wattpad from getting rid of the PMs there is a link to a petition to help stop Wattpad. Please sign the petition so we can keep our PMs!