
Woo! First chapter of The Golden Guardian revamp in the books! I'm already liking the new direction of the story. It feels much more natural in my mind. So, next update will be The Oncoming Storm, my Avatar:TLA book. Expect that in a few days! Then, it's back to the Golden Guardian, next time on Cartoon Network!


Woo! First chapter of The Golden Guardian revamp in the books! I'm already liking the new direction of the story. It feels much more natural in my mind. So, next update will be The Oncoming Storm, my Avatar:TLA book. Expect that in a few days! Then, it's back to the Golden Guardian, next time on Cartoon Network!


The first chapter of my Avatar story is done. It's different from anything else I've written before. I really wanted to let loose with this story and just have fun with it. I hope any who read it enjoy, and now, I'll start on the first chapter of the Golden Guardian Reboot! I'd love to hear any suggestions and or comments/concerns!


Hello again! I've finally released my Percy Jackson book, which I didn't change much initially, so the quality increases toward the end. The next chapter will be much better. I hope everyone who is inclined to read it still enjoys it! Until next time, Love you guys!


I have returned! After months of turbulent life events, I have come home! I know most people will want an update for The Golden Guardian, but I've reread it and I'm not sure how I feel about it. I'll still continue it but I want to revamp it a bit. Anyway, I have an all-new story, "Hope". Anyone who recognizes the cover should know what's in store. It will be full of as much dark and gritty drama as I can manage. Love you guys!


Still there?


He's gonna have a bit of an "Omni-Man" complex. Someone important to him will be killed, and he'll spiral a bit. He's always going to protect the Earth, in a bit more brutal fashion than say, Superman would. 


So like sentry in the sense he has his demons?


@Martin200108 He'll have his moments, but I don't think I'll go as far as the Irredeemable comics, it all depends


Can I ask you a question 


@Indighoster also is something like Injustice  gonna happen in the golden Guardian


@Indighoster also in the golden Guardian is there more than one love interest and ifso who are they


@Indighoster I just want to say I  love your stories and you do you think you could make a GTA 5 story 