Donate $5 or more to my Patreon and you'll get a tarot card reading with a spread of your choice, a shufflemancy, and a numerology reading!
Hi guys! I FINALLY updated Indigo's House of Misfit Witches! Chapter 5 is up right now! I'm so excited for you to read it! Please give me feedback!
Should I write flashbacks of more characters?
Hey everyone! I just wanted to remind y'all that I have a Patreon! 50% of donations go towards my college fund! Everyone who donates will get a moodboard and a free shufflemancy. The link is . Have a super awesome rest of the day!
QOTD: What's your favorite movie(s)?
AOTD: I like Dead Poets Society, Rogue One, and Cube.
Hi guys! Which of my stories would you like me to update? :) Which of my stories is your favorite? Also, I made a Patreon! If you'd like to support me, you can donate here: 50% of donations will go towards buying books, and 50% of donations will go towards my college fund. Anyone who donates will get a moodboard and a free shufflemancy on a topic of your choice! <3