Pardon me if I am interrupting your day at all, but I would like to give a small announcement.
I have been dealing with quite a bit of drama with a couple people, where they have hurt me to the point of anything I see that reminds me of them instantly gives me this queasy feeling and makes me sick to the stomach, this losing my appetite and ultimately bringing back my once buried depression and suidicalness that I had finally managed to overcome about two and a half years ago.
Even the look of the Wattpad icon makes me sick, so I will be taking a break and hopefully be able to overcome this mess that they’ve left me in and with. I’m sorry for those who have given me requests for stories that are still waiting for them, but I really need to leave for a while. I hope you can understand.
I will try to come back next year June. Hopefully things clear up and I’ll be able to start over and restart my healing process. I wish you all the best of luck with your writings, artworks, or whatever you’ve dedicated your passion to, and have a great day and rest of 2019.
I will see you again in 2020. Have a great year! Bye-bye for now!! (: