
bruh the book that i'm writting rn has 430 words already and I didn't even do much there (I probably wont even post it) 


Hi, I see that you are a therian/interested in theriantropy. Can you help me discover my theriotype? More information in my only book, thanks in advance for your help!


@ molly_therian  I can try to help! I will try to  search for something similar to your description and stuff when I have time ^^


Hey, sorry to bother you, but perhaps you'd like to know a bit more about.... theriantropy? I write 'books' on the subject and would be happy to answer any questions. I also wouldn't disdain a star if any of my tutorials appeal to you. feel free to visit my profile and sorry for the advertising! ♡♡♡


@ KunazTwojegoGarazu  I did visit your profile it's nice ^^ and I don't have any questions or anything at least not now hsh :> 