
I just wanted to say thank you much to everyone that's voted and read my stories. To have a #1, #2 and #3 is something that I never once thought would happen. I started writing because I just wanted something positive and I couldn't find quite what I wanted to read so I wrote. I wrote to ease my grief, I wrote for a happy ending that I wasn't destined to have and I wrote to build a world I could love if only for a little while. I never thought that anyone else would ever read these little niche stories that make me smile.
          	I'm not on other media's and I don't advertise my stories so I value this moment in time more than you could ever know. 
          	I still write for me even when my time is not my own but now I also write for those that ask me to continue and give me a boost when I lose my mojo.
          	Thank you


@ Indy570  so well deserved! I'm so so happy for you! I absolutely love your stories, your writing is so sweet and full of truth.


          	  So well deserved! It’s a world that I am more than happy to step in to and enjoy every second that I’m there 


@ Indy570  what a nice message. And well deserved success. Kindest regards! 


Porque os capítulos novos não estão aparecendo pra gente? Será algum problema do watpad? Está escrito que foi atualizado a 6 dias mas não aparece o capítulo. Só com você acontece isso. As outras histórias estão normais


Oi. Amo suas histórias e aguardo ansiosa as atualizações, sei que deve ser ocupada e tem seus compromissos mas nunca pare de escrever e nos presentear com elas. Estou relendo todas elas enquanto aguardo novos capítulos. Deus te abençoe e te inspire sempre. Nunca pare de escrever.


Eu gosto demais de suas histórias, mexem com o emocional da gente. Mas quase todas estão inacabados. Isso deixa-nos com muita ansiedade. Sei que não vive só pra escrever histórias que tem outros compromissos na vida como todo mundo. Desculpe por falar assim. Sei que vai terminar suas histórias como você sempre diz. Espero que continue escrevendo histórias lindas assim e nos emocionando. Você tem o dom de escrever e um dia espero ler um livro seu. Farei questão disso. Continue escrevendo e te desejo tudo de bom.


Gosto muito de suas histórias. Principalmente legado pois tive uma amiga de anos que teve câncer de mama e não resistiu. Foi muito doloroso e até hoje 3 anos depois ainda dói muito a perda dela. Foram 40 anos de amizade. Estamos como irmãs. Essa história me comoveu demais. Porque ela o amava Também. você escreve muito bem da pra sentir toda emoção em cada história. Nunca pare de escrever para nós. Abraços aqui do Brasil pra você. Assinado: Catarina


I just wanted to say thank you much to everyone that's voted and read my stories. To have a #1, #2 and #3 is something that I never once thought would happen. I started writing because I just wanted something positive and I couldn't find quite what I wanted to read so I wrote. I wrote to ease my grief, I wrote for a happy ending that I wasn't destined to have and I wrote to build a world I could love if only for a little while. I never thought that anyone else would ever read these little niche stories that make me smile.
          I'm not on other media's and I don't advertise my stories so I value this moment in time more than you could ever know. 
          I still write for me even when my time is not my own but now I also write for those that ask me to continue and give me a boost when I lose my mojo.
          Thank you


@ Indy570  so well deserved! I'm so so happy for you! I absolutely love your stories, your writing is so sweet and full of truth.


            So well deserved! It’s a world that I am more than happy to step in to and enjoy every second that I’m there 


@ Indy570  what a nice message. And well deserved success. Kindest regards! 


I've read a lot of ABBA fanfict. I've never commented on anything, or interacted on wattpad, I've read everyone's stories discreetly. Until I read your stories I felt the need to come out of the shadows. What you've done here has made me feel something I never imagined, rarely has anything I've read in life moved me so much. Thank you so much for that. 
          With all my love Anna


@ denlidandefageln  you're right. Indy made me feel the same! 


@denlidandefageln well I'm absolutely delighted and quite emotional.. thank you for such lovely words 


I'm sorry I changed my username, I'm not @AnnaAFL anymore, that's why I didn't reply to our little conversation. I've read all of your stories but I hadn't read the last 4-5 chapters of ''I Can't Unlove You''.  Your stories are the only ones with which all this I wrote to you happens to me, with no other stories nor with any other person here in this strange alternative universe that is Wattpad. Of course I've liked many others but nothing I've read in the world of ABBA fanfics has moved me like your words have. It's that simple and that beautiful.


Loving your new book hope we see more updates especially one of us book. If you ever write more books can you message me links because lately I'm not getting any notification about new books from people in following. Your fantastic writer keep up good work.


@JasmineSouthey all the stories will be finished. Just depends on inspiration and time. Thank you for reading them


Also is Legacy and because she loved him continuing?