
Guess who just passed her driving test??? 


@Inf3rnoDragon oh my goodness! That's awesome!! 


Guess who just passed her driving test??? 


@Inf3rnoDragon oh my goodness! That's awesome!! 


This update sucks. I get some writers just want to get support for their writing, but honestly here shouldn't be the place. We all came here to read good and amazing stories for FREE. And now that is disappearing, and I am honestly, MAD. 


@Inf3rnoDragon Someone should make a petition against this


I'd just like to give a small thanks to some people who have been really nice to me, and/or are just really awesome storywriters that I look up to... I don't really know why, just if I can't get it, at least I can give it. (Check my previous update if ur confused) 


@Inf3rnoDragon Aww. Thanks, sweetie ❤️


@Inf3rnoDragon you're so sweet ❤ Trust me, I know exactly how you feel when you out so much effort into a story that you love so much, and you feel like that's finally the one, the best story you've ever written, the one that people will finally read; then you post it, and don't get anywhere near the response you were hoping . . . I really do think taking a break is the best thing to do, so I'm glad you are. All I can say is remember to write for yourself, not to try to catch the attention of others. :) ❤


Hey, so. I need to talk... 
          I've been feeling really unmotivated recently, not just in writing, but everything altogether. And it sucks, it really does. It makes you feel empty, like you don't have a purpose.
          And quite frankly, when it comes to my writing, I don't see the point anymore. I don't get anything on them. Little to no votes, zero comments. NOTHING. It really, honestly, makes me sad. I work really hard on my books, probably like every other author, but like every other author writing is my way of escape sometimes and way to feel wanted. But when they don't even do that anymore and just cause this, why even write anymore?
          No one tells me if my books are good or not. No one tells me what I could fix. I would love to publish my books one day. I really would, and the fact that I can't get the chance sucks.
          I don't ask for much, I just put my life day in and day out into my novels hoping for at least ONE person to give appreciation, criticism, hell, even hate would be nice at this point. 
          Writing, just as much as everything else in my life is just slowly becoming another torture device and I don't know how much longer I can last when I no longer have any way of living an illusion that I am "happy". 
          So, for that one person that may just have read this, which I doubt because no one pays any attention to me anywhere I go, thank you. But, this is good bye. I don't know when I'll be back. Really, I don't know if I'll ever be back. 
          Because honestly, I don't even know if I'll wake up tomorrow morning. 


            I completely understand how you feel. 
            Take a break – for as long as you need to feel better. Don't give up hope just yet, you are an amazing person and writer!
            Try reading other books to find inspiration. Or just silence Wattpad notifications all together for a bit and come back when you have inspiration!


@Inf3rnoDragon Oh, Skylar :(
            Don't give up. I'm sorry that I didn't check your books until now. I usually check the profiles of my engaging readers and awesome followers once in a while. I can't believe that I never checked yours, have I?
            And please don't delete all your works. You can try and focus on making friends here and there and just forget about writing for a while. Motivation will kick in when it's time for it to kick in.  It will come to you when you least expect it. Don't think about it too much. Have fun. 
            Try commenting on other peoples books and voting. Also, try engaging in the Wattpad Writers forums. There are plenty of things that you could do on Wattpad just for fun, and before you know it, you'll find people reading your stories without you even trying :)


          Hey guys, I have an update for the summer. I know a bit ago I said I was back, then disappeared again after only posting one chapter. I'm going to explain that to me everyone who cares... 
          There's a few reasons as to why I haven't been active lately. 
          1) I kind of forgot... 
          2) I have joined colorguard for the summer this year for the first time so I have been needing to focus extremely on that so that I can be in the parades we do (My first one is TODAY!)
          If you don't know what colorguard is, it's the people who lead the instrument players of a marching band. They swing flags and do cool tricks with it. 
          3) I'm lazy and whenever I get around to remembering I just push it off for a later date... (I'm working on fixing that). 
          That's all the excuses I have, and I can't say when I will be posting a new chapter. It really will just be whenever I actually have free time and choose to write instead of play computer games . Sorry to anyone who really likes to read any of my books, but don't worry! I'll be back eventually! Bye everyone! 


Sorry for any typos!! 


          Hello dear readers if mine. How are you? I hope you all actually take the time to read this, it is important especially if you're a dedicated reader. I just wanted to notify you all that updates probably will not be happening for a while. I have a lot of stuff on my plate, and I simply won't have time to get around to new chapters. 
          I'm dearly sorry. It's just that my dog has recently passed away, and not to mention finals coming up very soon. It's very hectic, and I also will be incredibly busy with judging for a 'The Electric Awards' writing competition that I signed up for. You can all clearly see why I won't be able to write for a while, and I hope you all understand. Anyways, have a fabulous night/day and stay reading! 


@Ellen_Reese Thank you very much for your condolences. But just like to inform you that it was my other dog that died and the one as my background picture is a girl. Easy mistake but thought I would tell you that xD


@Inf3rnoDragon OMG. I'm so sorry about your dog :(
            That's a sweet picture of him </3
            nd good luck with the finals <3


Thanks, Jaidyn, for voting on [Got Guts?]
          I hope you liked it? :D
          Keep reading. Things are gonna be really interesting ;)


If I find anything else I'll say


Lol. No problem, happy to help :) 


@Inf3rnoDragon Thanks for pointing that out :D
            Tunnel vision, man. Haha.