
HEYYYY this is my first story and I would really appreciate if you could reade the first chapter and leave some feedback!! Thank you so much 


hey, i know this is a personal question and you don’t have to share if you don’t want to, but in a comment section today, i saw your comments and you were talking about how you lost 4kgs and have never felt happier, im trying to lose weight, im really really trying but it’s just so hard, so i just wanted to ask how you did it, and consistently did it to make you lose weight? 


@ yourmumsahoe224  ok I can tell no problem (English is not my first language so sorry if there's any mistake). Me and my sister made a bet for who lost more weight, now the bet doesn't make sence anymore, we are really happy and we continue on a diet, i've lost 5 kg! At first i lost really quickly then we went to vacation and i regained 2 kg and i got so mad... Now we are back on track! Okay first of all at first Will be so dificult, I love sweets and for me not eating cookies was reallyyyy hard!! Instead of eating 2 slices of bred and a milk with nesquick at breakfast now, I eat a free fat iogurt and either a fruit or a integral toast. I don't eat potatoes,  rice and pasta (i taste it i just don't eat a lot of it) we eat a lot of salads! When you get used to it its actually pretty good! In this short time of my diet i've already went to 2 parties, and i ate a little bit of Cake and sweets but not as many as i would. Btw i don't make any kind of exercise, only walking my dog for 45 min. In my opinion its easier if you do it with somebody else, me and my sister are really competitive so it was good for us! Oh and for some people it doesn't work but for me I like to read the calories, and i was so shocked! For example a cucumber has 18 kcal per 100 gr and cookies 500 kcal per 100 kcal. Its worth the effort, and there are really Nice snacks with low calories. Something very important, if you like soup don't do it with potatoes but instead with cauliflower or brocollis!! I hope it helped, and believe i use to think i was the one that couldnt do it and I DID IT! And from now on i need to keep doing it! My goal is 55, I started it at 68 and now Im at 63kg so Im good i think!


"                                                                       ."
          Em Tal você aprende a sobreviver ou aprende a não morrer, não existe um meio termo. E todo ano a temporada de caça da libélula da para o vencedor uma quantia que pode tirar qualquer um da miséria.
          Seis participantes correm atrás da oferenda sequestrada e tem que protegê-la até a chegada na rota final.
          Gen é um jovem que trabalha em bicos como assassino de aluguel, para ajudar um orfanato, ele acaba se inscrevendo e consegue passar como selecionado para participar da temporada de caça.
          A jornada é clara, se conseguir chegar ao final da temporada com a oferenda e vivo, ele nunca mais irá precisar matar de novo.


Oioi alma de luz! Tudo bem?
          Se você gosta de um clichê para passar o tempo, acho que tenho a história perfeita para você!
          Se você puder ler, ficaria muito feliz! Se gostar não esqueça de votar!

          Obrigada pela atenção!


@ justmafeh  Obrigada! Também gostei muito da sua


@justmafeh sua história é muito boa, com certeza irei acompanhar!


@ justmafeh  Obrigada! Agradecia então que também fosse dar uma olhadela na minha história, ainda está a ser escrita mas se tiver alguma sugestão deixe nos comentários!