I just came back to check out what I’ve been missing for the past few months and I noticed that a bunch of people have followed me even after I started my long hiatus. That really made me happy even if they might just be spam followers.
I just figured I’d post an update. I have had a lot of changes in my life since I stopped writing here. I aged quite a bit and graduated from high school. I haven’t stopped writing though. So on the off chance that a few of my old Wattpad buddies are still online, I’d like to say thanks for your kind words and support for this life-changing hobby! Send me a DM if you want to chat.
I don’t know if I’m planning on returning to Wattpad. That would be fun, don’t get me wrong, I loved the community here, but I feel like the pressure of keeping up with an audience puts a little too much stress on my creative processes. Who knows. I might upload something in the future, but for now I can’t promise anything.