
Hello everyone, I cannot apologise enough for abandoning my stories (yet again), but the next chapter of 'Radioactive' has been published! Be sure to leave a comment and let me know what you thought ✿


@darlinrose hello lovely! Unfortunately, my co-writers stopped writing this book and I am struggling to continue on my own. I think I do have some chapters written that are yet to be published, I will have to check my laptop and find them. I am not really writing any more, but I may when I have free time after my exams! Ah yay, another fan- hardly anyone knows about these amazing books, which is sad xx


Hello everyone. Long time, no speak! I cannot apologise enough for my lack of activity on this website lately- life has certainly been getting in the way. 
          However, I am now back and together with my two best friends, we are frantically writing away to publish better, more regular chapters of my Morganville fanfiction, 'Radioactive' and I'm really excited for you to read it (it's amazing, if I do say so myself) 
          Furthermore, I have more exciting news; I was browsing my documents from years ago and discovered two original short stories that I had written and neglected, so they will also be published soon. WATCH THIS SPACE :)
          The only thing I ask, from you, my dear followers is that you read my work and let me know, COMMENT or VOTE, just something to know that my efforts are not going unnoticed and possibly some pointers on how to improve my work? It's not much to ask at all, so please follow me up on that request- it would mean the world.
          Much love,
          Infinite-possibility <3