Hey guys! I'm sorry its been so long, and that I haven't been updating. I'm going to try to get back in the swing of writing really soon, but since school is school, it may have to wait till spring break or when school work isn't being piled on as hard (Ms.SmartyPants right here did not think of taking a studyhall this year which pretty much makes me drawn tight on time and stress-free days). I'm also working on a Fem!Delic (Delilah) cosplay! So I should have pictures posted in the later half of next month. WHITE BLAZER, WHY YOU SO HARD TO FIND!?
Thank you everyone for all the support! It has been a hard year, and I still get the fuzzies and writers twitch when I read such wonderful comments! So until my next chapter, adieu.
Did I even spell that right...?,