Hey all, I know I have tried (and failed ) to return from hiatus a few times in the last few years. I won’t make any grand promises however, the writing bug is working itself back into my life after a long period of severe burnout. I am also planning a reread of Fairy Tail and catching up on 100 year quest! If any of you are still around, or still wanting updates, I just wanted you to know I will be trying my best in the coming months to push out updates. I appreciate all of you ❤️ Kels

@Infinite_Midnight I'm glad you are still out there and doing well. 100 yr quest is really good, I sure hope you love it!

I started it close to when it came out but had to put it down, I’m SO excited to get back into it!

@Infinite_Midnight The 100 Year Quest is soo good!! I'm almost all caught up on the manga