
hey just wondering if you could please continue with your jacob and renesme it’s honestly takes my mind of everything reading it . Your writing is also so beautiful and i hope you keep it up because you’re  so talented x
          -bella x


Took me only 3 hours to finish reading your work on Jacob and Renesmee and honestly speaking, it was in fact the best fan fic I've ever read . I sincerely hope that you would finish it soon.. please you can't just leave us like this
          lots of love


You should not have written Jacob and Renesme, that is kind of like copying Stephanie Meyer. What is she wants to write a book about them?


Thanks for the opinion but even if Stephanie Meyer's wants to write a book about them, Who's to say it's going to take the same path as mine, This is just a fan fiction, I'm not the only one making one about them and none of this is copying thank you very much. These are all chapters I've worked hard on to get done and if you don't like it then don't read it .