
I can’t decide who I love more...Karma Akabane, Light Yagami, Toru Oikawa, Tobin Kageyama, or Keiji Akaashi


Hylophobia is the fear of trees
          Xanthophobia is the fear of the color yellow
          Allodoxaphobia is the fear of opinions
          Ombrophobia is the fear of rain
          Amaxophobia is the fear of riding in a car
          Anthrophobia is the fear of flowers
          Arachibutyrophobia is the fear of peanut butter
          Barophobia is the fear of gravity
          Domatophobia is the fear of houses


@Ingelosi_Idimoni c h e c k  y o u r  i n b o x


A human head stay conscious for about 20 second after being decapitated
          A body decomposes four times faster in water then on land
          Within three days of death, the enzymes from your digestive system start to digest your body
          About 153,000 people die each day
          When a person dies their hearing is the last to go
          You can’t die of old age, only diseases brought on by old age
          Men who are hanged get a death erection, known as rigor erectus
          In some cases, bodies develop a corpse wax that can preserve the remains for years
          Forensic scientist can tell how long something has been dead by the type of bugs on it
          The skin around the fingers and toenails dries and contracts after death making it look like they have grown
          Dead bodies swell up like balloons after death in order to realest gasses and liquids
          The Zoroastrian Parsi community offers their dead to vultures after death instead of burying them 
          There is a species of jellyfish that has been confirmed to be immortal
          More than 7000 people die each year due to doctors bad handwriting
          Left handed people die three years earlier than right handed people 


I’m left handed...