Hey friends. So I have a question mainly to those who read my Venom/Eddie x Reader. Those who don't can answer as well if they want. Now then, here it is!
Question: How do you wany chapter 5 and onward to be like from these options?
1.should the reader (aka you loves) confess to Eddie in chapter 5 but be turned down because Eddie still loves Annie but slowly realizes he loves more and more you thanks to Venom's feelings for you.
2.should you stay quiet and have Eddie/Venom confess to you over time in a dramatic scene
3. OOOOR should they claim their love for you through some love making~ :3
(FYI: there will be a lemon chapter I'm just asking if I should make it like option 3)
Please replay with the number you want, the number with the highest votes will be added the story. I'll close this at 2:00pm California time today.