
im AT COLLEGE and I PLANNED BOOK 1 OF MY SCIFI HORROR RE INSPIRED TRILOGY and I PLAYED SEPARATE WAYS AND I LOVE ADA WONG (and Leon don't get me wrong he's still my beloved lol) and I DID actually stream Separate Ways (check out my twitch, or don't lol, it's "rosalita_dbd" for all zero of y'all that want to see it) anyway have a great day/night and excuse my ramblings im just on a high from finishing more than 4k words of pretty good planning :D


im AT COLLEGE and I PLANNED BOOK 1 OF MY SCIFI HORROR RE INSPIRED TRILOGY and I PLAYED SEPARATE WAYS AND I LOVE ADA WONG (and Leon don't get me wrong he's still my beloved lol) and I DID actually stream Separate Ways (check out my twitch, or don't lol, it's "rosalita_dbd" for all zero of y'all that want to see it) anyway have a great day/night and excuse my ramblings im just on a high from finishing more than 4k words of pretty good planning :D


currently trying to edit one book, plot another trilogy, keep studying for school (and not to worry about my enrolment which is TOMORROW??), manage my streaming schedule AND edit + upload decent videos to youtube?? while also having a bunch of family occasions and *gasp* a social life?? and ALSO trying to fix my sleep schedule before school starts up again and I have to entirely rebuild my life bc I Literally Have Not Set Foot In A School In Nine Years (homeschooled, lol)??? what is going on??? idk but it's actually okay,,, i think,,, will come back tomorrow after enrolment and see how i feel then lol


i forgot to do that. whoops. anyway college is the best, i love it sm, leon scott kennedy is taking over my brain, i'm working on a prequel for the current series and thinking about the whole of this other sci-fi one, i have a social life, i'm doing homework, i'm writing, i'm thriving. all im not doing is streaming. but. we'll get there eventually


now embarking on the FINAL edits for my book... wish me luck ;-;
          (and yes I know I said "final round" last time but I forgot I'd have more edits after my beta readers read it,,, whoops)


also it has occurred to me that this should not be my little vent space and other people should technically talk to me here but. i am talking to the void. if you are reading this,,, hi. i didnt think anyone would. sorry for,,, everything, lol


the edits are never-ending and i am having the time of my LIFE but MY GOODNESS why is a certain man (the love interest, rip) so hard to understand,,, why does he stand like that. like literally. i am having a crisis on how he stands, if he leans on furniture etc. nobody told me writing would be like this??? and when i tried to get into character and do what he'd do simply by method acting it,,, i ended up flirting with the carpet (bc there was nobody else around, so the carpet was what i was looking at)... anyway. im doing fine. why wouldn't i be doing fine? im doing just great <3


playing through rdr2 again (just got to chapter two lol) and it makes me want to reread all my old fics, but that is an unfortunately slippery slope into reWRITING them. don't do this to me, self. i've still got some brainstorming to do for my next ORIGINAL book. the audacity to come up with a fixed version of Ella Matthews on the same day as starting the replay is, quite frankly, astounding. oh dear.


nope im not writing it i changed my mind lol (got to rescuing sean and dipped bc i apparently have consistency issues, rip)


slippery slope? well, I predicted right. to get rdr2 out of my head once and for all, I am writing Ella Matthews again. in 1 week. it's supposed to be 50k but we shall see - not even out of colter and already at 5.5k... i don't want this to end up like my jjba fic (which was meant to be 50k in camp nano but ended up being 245k and taking 6 months from first idea to final edit TT) but i fear it will be ;-;


doing the last round of self-edits on my first novel before my beta readers get it, and how is it actually good??? huh??? what do you mean this idiot has created an actually good novel??? HM???? what do you mean I enjoy it??? what do you mean it's actually well thought out and fun to read??? i don't even think it's personal bias by this point bc I am always first to tear apart my writing but MAN did I actually do a good job this time??? HUH???


over 20k through my novel for camp nanowrimo, feeling good. I forgot how much I genuinely enjoy writing <3


@Ink-Rose oh and for reference yes i am tired my brain is dead but also. i just killed a character so im thriving <3
            (ie: i am so sad rn yall have no idea)


@Ink-Rose i did not finish the novel but i did finish camp nanowrimo @ 66k so yknow. all good. i should hopefully finish before most of my exams (think next week) so yay!! :D


"over 20k through" im literally at like 60k now what are you talking about. and im still not done. WHY AM I NEVER DONE


My latest and best work is finally up! If you noticed I posted the last chapter wayyyy earlier, no you didn't. I dyed my hair and forgot to post the announcement so... yeah. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the fic :D


Uploaded half the chapters. Have to stop now because I need to eat lunch - it's 3pm and I am SO HUNGRY. so yeah, will be back to upload the other 21 + epilogue :)))
          (oh yeah and it's early. i forgot about that.)