ATTENTION - THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! It's come to my attention people are getting PM's about this site called "Neobook," and if you publish on it. I don't know fully what it is, but it seems VERY suspicious to me personally. I would appreciate everyone that uses multiple sites like Wattpad, Ao3, etc. to PLEASE keep an eye out for any stories similar to my own and let me know about it in a PM somewhere. I'm honestly worrying if my works are being stolen. I ONLY HAVE WATTPAD AND GOOGLE DOCS TO WRITE; ANYWHERE ELSE IS NOT ME! PLEASE do not cause a huge backlash; I'd actually prefer if you link me there so I can check it out myself before anything goes any further. I DO NOT CONDONE HATE SPREAD TOWARDS ARTISTS NOR HARRASSMENT, IF THEY DESERVE IT OR NOT. If you DO decide to jump the shark I AM NOT ASSOCIATED AND WILL NOT BE DRAGGED DOWN WITH YOU. Thank you, and have a good day, evening or night, and I'm very sorry if I got anyone worried or riled up.

@ChiisaiHoshi5 I don't believe it's anything good if these "bots" - and yes they're clearly bots if you get more than one, you can tell especially with multiple when you look harder- have written a whole slew of users on here about one specific site, and a majority of the users I've seen as well as myself saying that it's basically the same thing copied and pasted.... I don't know about you but to me it screams suspicious. It's cool to push your socials a little bit but that's just... very, very odd and out of place

@ChiisaiHoshi5 I honestly have no idea if it is possible or if it's true, but me and Una have both done a little bit of digging so far and I'm really not liking the feeling I get, and I doubt she does either... I'm really, really hoping it's all just a false alarm in the end. I don't even know if that'll help copyrighted or not. People have completely mangled things that have been copywritten before and posted it as theirs and I'm honestly terrified mine might be. I hate how you can do so little to make sure your things stay your things >->*