Hi! Please check out my new story lethal seduction and let me know what you think I'll really appreciate it ❤

Alright I read to where your story is now. It's not really my type of genre, but it was interesting enough to keep me interested. I really like your humor and I think you put a lot of thought into the dialogue. Maybe the backstories of the main characters were revealed a bit too early and a bit too fast, but that's okay. You can make it work I think. I quite like the characters, but I have a few issues with for example Jack. He's a top NBA player and also the most amazing hacker in town. That could maybe be a bit too much. Anyway, I enjoyed reading your story so far. I think I can get a feel where it is heading, but it's a bit too early to make those kind of assumptions maybe. I myself am a writer that likes to turn predictable into unpredictable so yea, let's see. I'm interested, keep going!

I want to know if it would interest people enough to continue with it and I would like to know where you think the story could be headed.

Would you let me know what you think about the first chapter of barrier if you can find the time? I'd really appreciate that too.