
A quick note for the judges:
          	Please make sure to submit the marks and the reviews for Set 3 of the WOI Contest by tomorrow. And if you are unable to do so, please PM me. 
          	Thanks and regards, 
          	Stella ❤️


Hello Warriors! 
          Today is the last day for the submission of your entries for the SET 3 of the WOI Contest. So, if you are willing to participate then please make sure to fill up the form and submit the story by 11:59 P.M. tonight.
          Thanks and regards, 
          Stella & Asmi ❤️


Hello Warriors!
          We have finally come to an end of the SET 2 of the WARRIORS OF INK Contest. A huge round of applause for both our Achievers.
          Congratulations to both of you!!
          We would also like to thank @Pournu and @SN_Skylar for taking out their time for judging this contest. It wouldn't have been so easy and fun without you guys ❤️❤️
          Not only the Achievers, we would like to give a shout out to all our participants of this Set. We know it wasn't an easy one and all of you have done a great job.
          Well done guys!
          Please find all the wonderful stories of our Achievers in here.

          We'll see you soon with the SET 3.
          Happy Wordsmithing!
          Stella & Asmi
          (@GS_Stella @asmi944) 


Hello Warriors!
          The SET 2 of the WARRIORS OF INK Contest is up. Please have a look and do participate if you find it interesting.

          Stella ❤️


@niyati2701 You're always welcome. The pleasure is all mine ❤️(:


@niyati2701 Yes, you can. That's totally up to your imagination. Wish you the same (:


@niyati2701 You're always welcome! Good morning ❤️❤️


Hello Warriors!
          Thank you so much for loving the SET 1 of the WARRIORS OF INK Contest and making it a successful one. The SET 2 of the contest will be up tomorrow morning.
          Stay tuned!
          With love,
          Stella & Asmi 


Hello Warriors!
          The SET 1 of the WARRIORS OF Ink Contest has finally come to an end. Despite all the ups and downs, I'm really thankful to all the contestants, judges, and last but not the least my co-host @asmi944 who have worked tirelessly to make the contest a successful one.
          The three Achievers of the SET 1 are:
          @polymath_land (Category: 0-2 years)
          @angelshiva (Category: 2-4 years)
          @Nita_Reid (Category: More than 4 years)
          Heartiest congratulations to all of you!
          Please find their stories in the anthology THE WHISPERS OF INK, created especially for the stories by the Achievers. Here's the link for the same.

          And last but not the least, I would like to express my gratitude towards the judges who have given in their precious time for judging all the entries with sincerity and transparency.
          Thank you so much everyone! It wouldn't have been possible without all of you!
          Love and regards,
          Stella ❤️


@Ink_Lover congratulations to all the Achievers and thanks to all the participants for their wonderful work.
            Thank you for giving me the opportunity as I got to read some wonderful works. It was a learning curve for me as well and hats off to you guys for coming up with this idea


@Ink_Lover Congratulations to my fellow Achievers as well and all the participants who made it possible.  . 
            Thank You , Stella and Asmi for your efforts to make this a success and spending your valuable time to help writers . 
            Also judges , though i am quite unaware on who judged my works. I have read all the reviews and your insights were valuable and thank you for your efforts ,it wouldn't have been easy on you 
            Juanita Reid 


Hello Warriors!
          We are almost done with the evaluation of the stories, reviews and the result of the SET 1. Just a couple of hours more and then we'll start giving out the reviews of the stories followed by the results.
          So, stay tuned and thank you so much! ❤️
          Love and regards,
          Stella & Asmi 


@Ink_Lover  Cant wait and so nervous 


Stay tuned guys! The first Set of The WARRIORS OF INK Contest is coming up tomorrow. 

          We hope you all will enjoy it! That's the first contest we are organizing and we are pretty much excited about it. *fingers crossed*
          Love and regards, 
          Stella & Asmi


@swasanholic-simran This emoticon reminds me of a scene from the kdrama Scarlet Heart ;p