
A thought I’d like to share and see if any of y’all get what I’m saying:
          	People ask my why I don’t show any interest in dating or parties or anything of the sort. I’m the living representation of: 
          	wake up, work, eat, sleep, repeat.
          	It’s not because I’m depressed or sad, or that I don’t have any friends. Why can’t I just be alone and enjoy it without you pitying me like I lead a sad life? I enjoy my peace and quiet, I enjoy being alone when I can because it gives me a moment to just enjoy existing and breathing. Yes it’s not the way how you’d like to live or spend your time, but it’s my life and that’s how I enjoy it most. A good book, a cup of tea and some nice tunes. That’s how I like to spend my time. I’m not lonely, I don’t feel the need to be held in somebody’s arms, I don’t need to be surrounded by a room full of people. But that doesn’t mean I don’t feel lonely once in awhile, or sometimes wish some charming guy would come along and just sweep me off my feet, or to have a big bundle of friends to hang out with. 
          	Y’all get me?


That’s how I feel! My family constantly ask if I’m depressed and I’m just like I don’t need to always doing something outside the box. Like sometimes it’s nice to just sit and relax 


A thought I’d like to share and see if any of y’all get what I’m saying:
          People ask my why I don’t show any interest in dating or parties or anything of the sort. I’m the living representation of: 
          wake up, work, eat, sleep, repeat.
          It’s not because I’m depressed or sad, or that I don’t have any friends. Why can’t I just be alone and enjoy it without you pitying me like I lead a sad life? I enjoy my peace and quiet, I enjoy being alone when I can because it gives me a moment to just enjoy existing and breathing. Yes it’s not the way how you’d like to live or spend your time, but it’s my life and that’s how I enjoy it most. A good book, a cup of tea and some nice tunes. That’s how I like to spend my time. I’m not lonely, I don’t feel the need to be held in somebody’s arms, I don’t need to be surrounded by a room full of people. But that doesn’t mean I don’t feel lonely once in awhile, or sometimes wish some charming guy would come along and just sweep me off my feet, or to have a big bundle of friends to hang out with. 
          Y’all get me?


That’s how I feel! My family constantly ask if I’m depressed and I’m just like I don’t need to always doing something outside the box. Like sometimes it’s nice to just sit and relax 


Im so freaking pissed rn dude, Im seeing red. So I bought the one year anniversary hoodie, right? I got it, had it for a few months. A couple days ago I had it washed and had folded it along with the rest of my laundry, and then I left for work. Came back home and went to do one of my last chores, which was taking the garbage out and guess what I found in the bottom of the trash all cut up? You guessed it, the hoodie. My mom claimed it was freaking evil cuz it had a cross on it! I paid for that with my own money and waited so damn long for that! Dude, I can’t stand the disrespect, goes into my room and takes something that belongs to me that she didn’t even use her own damn money to buy!


Yo guys!!! I’m bout to drop my first ever dumpster fire of a fanfic in “The Boys” fandom and it makes me wanna commit a crime in all 50 states! But I won’t do that today, instead I’ll just post the first chapter of my cringiest book yet late tonight! Right now it’s 10:37 A.M, so in about 14 hours from now, I’ll drop the first chapter and you’ll finally see the cringey book I have prepared for y’all.
          Hope to see ya there! - Ink 


Hi again. My meaningless thoughts and insecurity wanted to say some stuff.
          Would you trade our friendship to have her back?
          Our friendship is so precious to me, but sometimes I wonder… am I’m alone in this friendship?
          Do I mean anything to you?
          Because to me you mean a lot.
          But I can’t ever be who you want me to be.
          And it kills me.
          Because all those girls you’ve dated, having your love came easily to them.
          And they didn’t try to do anything to deserve that love.
          They didn’t have to sit on the sidelines and watch the guy they love break over and over again from trying to love girls who didn’t appreciate that rare love that comes once in a lifetime.
          When will it finally be my turn?
          Patiently, I wait. But I won’t wait forever.
          Please, love me soon.
          I don’t want to lose you again.
          Don’t leave me here alone again.


God fk my life!!! **** **** *** *****
          I’m so embarrassed >/////<
          Me and a really good looking coworker of mine were taking a break in the break room, and we were chillin. And I was writing some practice rap verses in my notes and he looked over my shoulder and saw and somehow I got his number because of that.
          How that happened, was that he asked about it and I quickly put my phone down to hide it from him, and I told him I was NOT writing rap at all. And for some reason he decided to wrestle it out of my hands and read it out loud to me. My face and even my ears were burning with embarrassment. 
          My friend: Ink, why are you upset that a really good looking guy exchanged numbers with you? That could be fuel for fan fiction or writing a love story!!
          Also my friend: I can’t believe you’ve lasted a full 15 minutes without beginning to freak out


Yooooo, how would y’all feel if I posted fanfics of  “The Boys” (not the tv show, I’m talking about that ridiculous VR idiot squad on YouTube XD)
          Lemme know, cuz I actually have some lined up to be shared, but I’ve been too shy to post X’D
          Anyone else ever been too shy to post some stuff, but love going back to read your own writing? No? Just me? Okay ;w;


I think it’d be cool to read “The Boys” fanfics


Ahhh some writers in the same fandom as me who I low key secretly simp for are following me back, I’m feeling very #blessed (you know who you are)
          Now imma start my emo session for the night and continue to write the fan fictions that’ll never be posted because I’m too embarrassed, see y’all. 
          See you around my little owlets, 
               ~  Inked ❤️


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When you realize the shit you write is fucking good once you find little short stories you wrote laying around in your drafts that have never seen the light of day after being left behind, but shine like the motherfucking sun itself?!??