A thought I’d like to share and see if any of y’all get what I’m saying: People ask my why I don’t show any interest in dating or parties or anything of the sort. I’m the living representation of: wake up, work, eat, sleep, repeat. It’s not because I’m depressed or sad, or that I don’t have any friends. Why can’t I just be alone and enjoy it without you pitying me like I lead a sad life? I enjoy my peace and quiet, I enjoy being alone when I can because it gives me a moment to just enjoy existing and breathing. Yes it’s not the way how you’d like to live or spend your time, but it’s my life and that’s how I enjoy it most. A good book, a cup of tea and some nice tunes. That’s how I like to spend my time. I’m not lonely, I don’t feel the need to be held in somebody’s arms, I don’t need to be surrounded by a room full of people. But that doesn’t mean I don’t feel lonely once in awhile, or sometimes wish some charming guy would come along and just sweep me off my feet, or to have a big bundle of friends to hang out with. Y’all get me?

That’s how I feel! My family constantly ask if I’m depressed and I’m just like I don’t need to always doing something outside the box. Like sometimes it’s nice to just sit and relax